The Causes Of The Great Depression?

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By the end of World War I, Americans were going through a period of prosperity and economic rise. Many used their money on objects that were considered useless. A few years later, the U.S. tackled a stock market crash that was considered the biggest it had ever encountered. This stock market crash was labeled the Great Depression deserved by the fact that it had the country in ruins. Societal change, education, mass migration and child labor were just a few of the changes that took place during this nightmare. A few negative things also occurred such as the Harlem Renaissance, the Dust Bowl and banking regulations. The country undertook this crash for approximately 12 years and it had left them demolished. After a while, this nation-issue transferred to being a world wide depression.
The main reason of this depression was a weak economy. The weakness and imbalance within the economy of the U.S.. Being unable to manage the income and monetary issues had greatly affected the U.S. as we can see by the events that occurred afterwards. This led to the stock market crash, which later on led to the well-known Great Depression.
Education was one of the most important things in the country at that time. It plunged, however, within the depression. Due to the low chance of getting a job during the Great Depression, many students decided to stay in school for a longer period of time until the situation improved. Staying in school for a longer period of time allowed students to learn more and practice what they love until the country was back on its feet.
Farm population and Employment rates also greatly decreased after a few years into the depression. This decline was most likely caused by the low farmers income because of the overprodu...

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...Coming right after World War I as if the country hadn’t suffered, it had killed every little hope they had left. With many reforms settling, such as the New Deal by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the country was able to once again to blast back into the way it was earlier, and even better. Many changes that took effect went back to normal to suit people’s needs. The changes were radical, nonetheless. Farmers gained their land back, banks reinstated, the rate of unemployment dropped once again, crops were not being over produced. In my opinion, the Great Depression was needed in order for the country to fight back harder. It taught the country a lesson as a whole, and it made sure the same mistakes were never repeated. An example would be the recent stock market crash which barely affected the country due to the abundance of knowledge acquired from this previous experience.

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