The Causal Conjunction In Linda Fairstein's Novel Hell Gate

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There are four undergraduate theses and one international journal reviewed in this study. Those of the undergraduate theses and international journal are related to this study. All of them are reviewed below:
First, undergraduate thesis entitled The Conjunction in Fairstein’s Novel “Hell Gate” by Suryadi (2012).This undergraduate thesis focused on the analysis of the types and meaning of conjunction in a novel entitled Hell Gate written by Linda Fairstein. The data was collected through documentation method which focused in chapter one and seven. The technique of collecting data was by read the novel carefully to understand the content and find out the conjunctions, then write down all of the conjunctions and classifying the data based on the …show more content…

This undergraduate thesis focused on the analysis of the types and functions of causal conjunctions in a novel entitled The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Twain. The data was collected through documentation method by read the novel carefully to identifying the types of causal conjunction and then understanding the function of each conjunctive items in linking elements of the sentence in the novel, then highlighting any key themes which related to the topic, in this case is causal conjunctions, after that write down all the key themes in a noted. The data were analyzed by qualitatively method and there are two theories used in this study. First theory is conjunction theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976) in their book entitled Cohesion in English. Second theory is functions of conjunction theory proposed by Stern (2003). The theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976) is used to classify the data into causal conjunction types. Meanwhile, the theory proposed by Stern (2003) is used to analyze the functions of causal conjunctions. The similarities with this study is this undergraduate thesis used literary work, novel as a data source and used same theories; there are theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1976) and theory proposed by Stern

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