The Case for Technology

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Technology permeates our society. In work settings, employees are expected to use computers for such tasks as communication, information management, problem-solving, and information seeking. Because technology is such an integral part of modern life, it behooves educators to prepare learners to use it effectively. Technology also has a role in the instructional process for it can serve as a means of supporting and enhancing instruction. Based on an analysis of the literature, Hopey (1998) noted that educational technology can--

• Improve educational attainment and skill acquisition

• Reduce the educational disparities created by race, income, and region

• Improve the relationship between learning, assessment, and effectiveness

• Provide a relevant context for learning

• Accommodate differences in learning

• Motivate and sustain learning

• Provide greater access to learning opportunities

• Empower learners

The positive effects attributed to technology will occur only if it is used appropriately. Like any other instructional tool, technology can serve to perpetuate poor educational practice or it can become a means for transforming learning. How technology can enhance and support learning is discussed in the next section.

Considerations for Using Technology

Technology does not determine learning outcomes, and it does not teach students; teachers, frequently in collaboration with learners, make the choices that determine learning outcomes and manage the teaching and learning process (Burge and Roberts 1993; Ehrmann 1997; Whitesel 1998). The role of technology is to expand these choices (Ehrmann 1998). Technologies are not neutral tools, however. The choices made about which technologies to use a...

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...rriam, S., and Brockett, R. The Profession and Practice of Adult Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997.

Petraglia, J. "The Real World on a Short Leash: The (Mis)Application of Constructivism to the Design of Educational Technology." Educational Technology Research and Development 46, no. 3 (1998): 53-65.

Rosen, D. "Voices from the Field: Using Technology in Adult Literacy Education." Summary of National Literacy Advocacy Electronic List Discussion, January 15, 1999. <>

Sulla, N. "Technology: To Use or Infuse." The Technology Source: Commentary, February 1999. <>

Whitesel, C. "Reframing Our Classrooms, Reframing Ourselves: Perspectives from a Virtual Paladin." The Technology Source: Vision, April 1998. <>

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