The Building of Transcontinental Railroad’s and It’s Impact on the Forgotten People

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Many of Americas historians would agree that one of the United States greatest achievements in technological advancement during the nineteenth century was the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. With the completion of this vast railway America became not only the youngest but also the first country to build the Transcontinental railroad, successfully connecting our country from “sea to shining sea.” Notwithstanding the fact that this was an extraordinary invention, the construction had both lasting negative and positive effects on minorities in living in America. These minorities consisted of Chinese and Irish immigrants along with Blacks and Native American, all of which were impacted in some way because of the the United States need to expand westward. In the earlier stages of this country much west was occupied by Native Americans many of which had settled on this land long before the appearance of the “white man.” Other having migrated after being removed from their lands due to treaties and acts formulated by the U.S government. After a few of America’s earlier P...

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