The Brothers Grimm: The Variety Of Fairy Tales

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The Grimm Brothers also known as Wilhelm Grimm and Jacob Grimm, created a variety of fairy tales during their times. Impacted by German Romanticism, the brothers vigorously studied the folklore of their region, with an emphasis on taking note of story tells that were vanishing [‘William Grimm”]. Many of their fairy tales were in fact influenced by previously printed fairy tales, as well as information shared by friends, family members and acquaintances [“William Grimm”]. “Hansel and Gretel”,one of the many fairy tales documented by the Brothers Grimm, grew astonishing popular when published in 1812. Each fairy tale contains its own history and breakdown that reveals a current situation or experience of a certain period.
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm …show more content…

By freeing themselves from a reliance upon immediate oral gratification for security,the children abrogate the undermining mother picture and recuperate the good mother, but in a more developed relationship,no longer does the mother’s refusal to offer instant and full gratification evoke fear. The children leave the witch's house with her jewels and with that are able to live in peace once they return to their father and are assured the family of three are to live in happiness and in no worry of famine [“Hansel and Gretel:Enter the …show more content…

Between 1500 and 1660, a staggering 80,000 suspected witches were thought to have been killed in Europe, with 80% of those put to death being women. Execution rates fluctuated significantly by nation, from around 26,000 in Germany to around 10,000 in France and 1,000 in England [“Background to Hansel and Gretel”]. The oven into which the witch is eventually casted out, is likewise fragrant of the flames of hell fire as discipline for her wrongdoings. As is perhaps evident from these examples though, “Hansel and Gretel” has an unusually small geographic reach when compared with many other folkloric stories, with most forms originating from Europe. Fairy tale motifs utilized in this story incorporate the wicked stepmother [“The Complete Fairy Tales”]. There is additionally a witch who is evil and cold blooded. Before transforming into this cruel and barbarous witch, the witch camouflages herself as a kind old woman who wants to help the kids. Parents often use this story as a way to demonstrate to their children why they should not talk to or trust

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