Classical Conditioning Theory: Watson's Classical Model Of Behavior

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Watson was a psychologist who developed the classical model of behaviour that was started by Pavlov. In this theory they think that all normal or abnormal behaviour is learnt so therefor if a bad behaviour can be learnt that is mean it can also unlearnt it. Pavlov has started a classical conditioning experiment to the animal (dog) and Watson thought it was good to use it to the human that is why he use it to the little albert so I can say that Watson was the first to use this experiment to human being. the British Psychological Society ethical code says that the experiment has to follow the norm in idea to protect the client in any physical and psychological harm, these code including: consent, Deception, debriefing, withdrawal, confidentiality, …show more content…

In order to research about the system of digestion in dogs. The behaviour is all about conditioning and the theory is divided in two categories; the operant and the classical conditioning who was started by Pavlov and developed by Watson. In this process of answering to this question I will discuss Pavlov experiment side to side with ethic code. P Pavlov has a physiologist, he started a classical conditioning of behavioural model of theory. In order to research about the system of digestion in dogs. Pavlov knew that any object can be stimuli that any human or animal can produce a response. And the ethic code is made by the British Psychological Society in order to protect the patient (human or animal) in any kind of harm (physical or psychological). The BPS state the experiment has to be done with consent, Deception, debriefing, withdrawal, confidentiality, protection of participants, observational research, giving advice and colleagues. In case of pavpov because his experiment was made by the animal (dog) it was up to him and his colleagues to be aware about the code of

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