The Book Of Ruth Book Analysis

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The book of Ruth is a narrative love story. “The book of Ruth is one of the great love stories of all times” (Hindson & Towns, 2013, p. 111). The author of this book is anonymous. This book was believed to be written between 1020 – 1000 B.C. The key personalities, or people, in this book are: Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz. The purpose for the book of Ruth is for the hope. This book teaches us that even when everything is going wrong, we can always find fulfillment in God. It also teaches us that even today God can use us just as He used Ruth. The book of Ruth has four chapters. The book starts off by telling us about Naomi, Ruth’s mother in law and Israelite woman, becoming a widow. Ruth attached herself to her and would not leave her side for anything. Next, it tells us how Ruth met her future husband, Boaz, a wealthy Israelite. God guided her to the field of Boaz and she was sent to glean, or pick up scraps, on the field that belonged to Boaz. In the field is where she met her prince. Then it goes in to telling us that Naomi comes up with a plan in order for Ruth to pro...

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