Persuasive Essay On Black Lives Matter

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For the past four years, the Black Lives Matter movement has grown to take the nation by storm. The operation began after a white police officer was charged with shooting a black teenager in Sanford, Florida and was rendered not guilty. The influence of this movement has continued to grow immensely in the face of continued incidents of police brutality. Shortly after the Black Lives Matter movement surfaced, there was a backlash from those who saw it to be restrictive and offensive to other races, saying that “All Lives Matter” is more appropriate. The trouble with “All Lives Matter” is not that it isn’t true, because of course all lives matter, but that the argument is out of context. The words “Black Lives Matter” do not imply that people of other races don’t matter, they simply assert that black ones do too. “Black Lives Matter” fights for more equal recognition of black lives in the face of continued prejudice.
Many people in this country believe that the problem of racism has been “fixed”, or at least that people of all skin colors are treated fairly equally. For this reason, some find the Black Lives Matter movement to be unnecessary. However, although the problem of racism has come a long way in the past few decades, there are still undeniable examples of white privilege found in everyday life that black people don’t have the comfort of experiencing. White people can be reasonably certain that when they ask to talk to the “person in charge”, they’re talking to someone of their own race. White people can expect their race to be represented on billboards, in magazines, and on television. White people aren’t asked to answer questions for their entire race. And white people can be pretty sure that their lives will not be threatened, without provocation, by people who are supposed to be protecting

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