The Black Death

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The Black Death

In this disquisition I will be analysing and elucidating

comprehensively the most horrific and anguished period of world

history known to all man past and present, the silent eradicating

ailment The Black Death. It claimed forty per cent of Britain’s

arrayed population between 1361-1369, before it was reintroduced with

another outbreak from 1374-1390. Possibility of subsisting above forty

years of life was subsided as there were two types of plagues, they

are Bubonic Plague of which the symptoms were cold feeling, tiredness,

horrible swellings of buboes and blisters, fever, unconsciousness for

a couple of days and finally death, which many believed to have been

condemned by fleas. The second out of the pair is pneumonic plague,

the symptoms consisted of breathing problems, coughing up blood and

due to the germs which were transferred to one another caused one’s


There were many diverse theories and incentives in to why, how and

where the Plague derived from. Many people believed the false motives

into why this was happening to them, as there was no scientific proof

individuals decided to assume what was said to be true. One of the

reasons people at the time believed the plague was bought into them by

the movement of the planets at certain times, or even Jewish settlers.

But no scientific knowledge what so ever resulted in the assumption

that the four humours of ones body, which consisted of yellow and

black bile, phlegm and blood. If any one of these four were unbalance,

it was though you either had or were soon enough going contract to the

Plague. As a last resort, many individuals turned to religion for aid.

During this time many people became very religious believing one of

many spiritual truths. The fact was when you had caught the deadly

disease many felt that God was punishing them for sinful actions,

which they’d committed. But outrageous circumstances were taken to

avoid being punished by god; a group of people call the flagellants

were people who punished themselves so severely using whips with

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