Biological Level Of Analysis Essay

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Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the biological level of analysis

The biological level of analysis argues that there are physiological origins of many behaviours, and that human beings should be studied as biological systems. This is not to say that behaviour is not the result of biological systems alone, but that we should also consider how the environment and cognition may interact with biological systems and affect physiology. This relationship is biderectional i.e. biology can affect cognition and cognition can affect biology.
Research methods are different approaches researchers and psychologists use to conduct their studies. Research methods are important as they provide the method for how researchers will …show more content…

In laboratory experiments, researchers measure the dependent variable by manipulating the independent variable. Laboratory experiments are often rigorously controlled, as researchers want to control as much variables in the experiment.

Laboratory experiments are used at the biological level of analysis as it allows researchers to have strict control over the variables, which is important as having controlled variables provides researchers with a source point to specify what change (or the absent of change) occurred when the independent variable was modified. If there is no control variable and the researcher manipulates more than one variable, it will be impossible to determine which variable caused the change on the item being tested.
Researchers also choose to use this research method, as laboratory experiments are easy to replicate as researchers determine the experiments conditions using a standardised procedure. This increases reliability as other researchers can easily replicate the experiment and agree/disagree with …show more content…

PET scans can also be expensive.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a technique for measuring brain activity. It takes advantage of the fact that when neurons in a particular region are active, more blood is sent there. Advantages include that fMRI scans can resolve down to 3 cubi millimetres and are getting even strong. A disadvantage is that any tiny movement can ruin the images.

fMRI can map metabolic changes indicating brain activity, to show a picture with increasing precision, which parts of the brain are active while certain tasks are being performed, or thoughts/emotions are being processed.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed pictures of the body’s structures and organs.

Advantages include that an MRI uses no radioactive material, therefore making it safe. An MRI can represent a slice of the brain taken from any angle and create 3D image of the brain and can produce more devilled information, enabling it to detect small tumours. Disadvantages of the MRI are that any movement affects the image. Exposure to magnetism can be dangerous, brain functions can’t be shown (only the structure), no casual relationship can be determined and it’s also

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