The Bible and Death Penalty

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Methods The question that I am interested in for research is, “Does a person’s view of the Bible influence what they think about the death penalty for murderers.” I would like to see if a person’s view of the bible influence what they think of the death penalty. This is interesting to me because I am interested in the field of criminal justice and the death penalty is a huge topic to this day. There are many journals that talk about studies that were done on religion and views of the death penalty which have to do with my topic of interest. My hypothesis is that those who believe that the bible is the Word of God, or the truth, will support the death penalty for murder. In a study done by Baron that was talked about in an journal showed that when someone consults the bible before deciding if someone should be put to death they oppose it (Baron, 2009). In addition, it has been stated, in an journal written about a study by Unnever, Bartkowsi and Cullen, that those who had a stronger relationship with God were more likely to oppose the death penalty ( Unnever, Bartkowsi, and Cullen. 2010). It was also said in a study done and talked about in the journal, that those who believed the bible was the “direct word of God,” favored the death penalty (Miller, Hayward, 2008). In another study done and talked about by Young, the results showed that those who believed in the Bible were more likely to support the death penalty (Young, 1992). In an article that was written it was stated that those who have a more literal view of the Bible tend to support harsher punishments (Mencken, Johnson, Desmond and Bader, 2010). Not every study agrees with the other but looking at statistics will be interesting to see if there is a relationship between... ... middle of paper ... ... CASE FOR KEEPING THE BIBLE OUT OF CAPITAL SENTENCING DELIBERATIONS. Northwestern University Law Review, 103(1), 369- 399. Carson Mencken, F. , Johnson, B. , Desmond, S. , & Bader, C. (2010). Divine justice: The relationship between images of god and attitudes toward criminal punishment. Criminal Justice Review, 35(1), 90-106. GSS Codebook Miller, M. , & Hayward, R. (2008). Religious characteristics and the death penalty. Law and Human Behavior, 32(2), 113-123. Unnever, J. D., Bartkowski, J. P., & Cullen, F. T. (2010). God Imagery and Opposition to Abortion and Capital Punishment: A Partial Test of Religious Support for the Consistent Life Ethic*. Sociology Of Religion, 71(3), 307-322. doi:10.1093/socrel/srq046. Young, R. (1992). Religious orientation, race and support for the death penalty. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 31(1), 76-87.

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