The Bermuda Triangle

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There are many unsolved mysteries in this world, and a few of them are the Bermuda Triangle disappearances. With a map of the Atlantic Ocean, and a ruler, about anyone can outline the Bermuda Triangle. It is a region in the Atlantic Ocean touching on Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Florida. “It covers roughly 500,000 square miles” (Obringer). The Bermuda Triangle is also referred to as Devil 's Triangle because many airplanes and ships have mysteriously disappeared in the region, without any trace. The Devil’s Triangle is one of the biggest mysteries of our time. There are several interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle. For instance, “It is reported that at least 20 planes and 50 ships have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle in the last
Over the last few centuries, it 's thought that dozens of ships and planes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances in the area. The Bermuda Triangle’s bad reputation started with Christopher Columbus. “According to his log, on October 8, 1492, Columbus looked down at his compass and noticed that it was giving weird readings. He didn’t alert his crew at first, because having a compass that didn’t point to magnetic north may have sent the already on edge crew into a panic” (Upton). This was probably a good decision considering three days later when Columbus simply spotted a strange light, the crew threatened to return to Spain” (Upton). There are many interesting facts about the “Devil’s Triangle”. According to Obringer, the first recording of the strange events of the Bermuda Triangle was by Christopher Columbus. “Christopher Columbus was on his famous journey when he recorded seeing a fireball fly across the sky and land in the ocean, and he also wrote in his log that the ship’s compass was giving inaccurate readings and acting strangely” (Obringer). Another fact is, “The Bermuda triangle is one of the two places on earth that a magnetic compass does point towards true north” (Upton), because of this a navigator could find him or herself far off course and in deep trouble. A popular theory according to Obringer is that, “Volcanic activity around the area, particularly an underwater volcano, could be
Some also believe there has been abductions by aliens in the Bermuda Triangle. There have been multiple abnormal theories such as, Hexagonal clouds forming air bombs, Unusual Seafloor, and Freak Waves. The main theory of Hexagonal clouds forming air bombs is that they can cause ships and planes to malfunction. “The airs bombs can blast and send out winds to the ocean beneath at speeds of up to 170 miles per hour which can be dangerous for aircraft or ships passing through it. Additionally, such air bomb explosion can create gigantic waves as high as 45-foot and ocean surface wind of about 100 miles per hour which too can be extremely dangerous” (Bermuda). Another example would be the unusual seafloors. Unusual Seafloors are quite strange and have unusual formations. “In fact, some of the deepest trenches in the world are found in this area. Ships or planes that sink into these deep trenches will probably never be found as they are virtually inaccessible” (Bermuda). In the Bermuda Triangle there is known to have large waves. For example, very large waves can appear suddenly even in calm seas. “Research has shown that freak waves up to 30m high & capable of sinking a large ship within moments, can and do happen” (Bermuda). Some people believe other theories cause the disappearances. “Others claim that the Bermuda Triangle is the source of black holes, which appear and

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