The Berlin Wall

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For thirty years, an iron curtain lay across Germany. This iron curtain was called the Berlin Wall, and it represented the divide between East and West Germany. It also represented the loss of East Germany’s freedom and democracy. The Berlin Wall separated families and friends. This resulted in children growing up without a father and wives losing all communication with their husbands. The Berlin Wall poorly affected many people and businesses, and caused an ugly dent in Germany’s history.

After World War Two ended, Germany was in a horrible state. America would fly in all kinds of supplies on an average of one plane every three minutes (Levy 11). America, Great Britain, and France created three zones with democratic governments in Germany. In every zone, officials would work to help govern and re-build. In Russia, the Soviet Union also wanted a piece of Germany. The Soviet Union was an extreme communist government, and they had a dictator named Joseph Stalin. The Soviet Union had pushed communism towards European countries such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary, and other small countries. In 1947, the Soviet Union began to take control of Germany. They took control of about half of Germany, including half of Berlin. West Germany not only relied on East Germany for economic supplies and aid, but they also relied on West Germany. Joseph Stalin believed that if he cut off all connections between the now divided Germany, America, Great Britain, and France would be pushed out. So on June 23, 1948, Stalin ordered that all land routes into Berlin from the west be cut off (Levy 13). This was known as the German blockade. However, less then a year later Stalin ended the blockade because he was unable to push the Western Govern...

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...f a million people protested on streets throughout Germany. Krenz no longer thought the Berlin Wall was necessary, and planned to allow freedom of travel on November 10. Just before midnight on November 9 , the gates of the Berlin Wall were finally opened after almost thirty years. East Germans surged through the gates, and East Germans were given exit visas for free and on demand (Taylor 312). Families and friends were finally untied, and Germany was free.

It took about a year and a half to finally remove the entire Berlin Wall. The demolish of the Berlin wall was like the representation of the Cold War ending, and a new era beginning. Since the fall of the Berlin wall, it’s demise has become a sign of freedom and democracy. It has been almost twenty years since the the fall of the Berlin Wall, the event remains imprinted in history books throughout the world.

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