The Benefits Of The European Futurism

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In the early 1900’s the dense urban living is greatly affecting Europe. The popularity of the automobile is slowly beginning to rise amongst the every day citizen and there are already raised train railways. The European Futurist are looking to raze old cities to create more space for a new city, and maximize efficiency of space, and there are also the proponents for the Garden City looking to lessen the congestion of cities and promote a healthier lifestyle. The European Futurists envisioned a city that was “…active, mobile, and everywhere dynamic, and the modern building like a gigantic machine.” This city was to be modern, demolishing the old city that existed and abolishing ornamentation on buildings and homes. “They depict skyscrapers with battered walls and canted buttresses, external elevator shafts that stand clear of the upper floors… and large illuminated skyline advertising, and …plunged into multiple levels of circulation…” Antonio Sant’Elia, a major proponent of this movement, wanted the new city to recognize the advancement of technology and the current transportation and look to optimize these features to create a fast paced lifestyle. Eugene Henard had invented the rotary …show more content…

The major difference between the two is the motivation behind the movements and what the goals are. On one hand are the European Futurist, who seek to build around, expand and optimize traffic and create a fast pace environment, and on the other hand are the Garden City proponents who want to lessen the traffic flow and create a healthier, more intimate, environment for the citizens while fulfilling the need for industrialism. While there are many positive and negative benefits to both of these movements, the European Futurist’s idea is seen throughout the world today in major cities such as New York and Dubai, and the Garden city is also seen throughout Europe and the United

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