The Benefits Of Space Exploration

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Space Exploration Since earliest times, it has been human nature to explore our surroundings. Humans have been venturing out into space for many years now. Space is unlimitless, and offers endless possibilities for exploring. The idea of exploring space has a sense of mystery and excitement about it. Space exploration has played an immense part in American history. In addition to satellites and retrieving data, men and women astronauts have also had the opportunity to travel into space and collect data. Space exploration should play an essential part in countries all around the world to learn more about the universe they are a part of. This article discusses about the benefits and disadvantages of space exploration. The author explains how …show more content…

The author states “The moon walk came at the height of the Cold War—an ideological struggle between the U.S. and the communist Soviet Union that dominated global politics for much of the 20th century. National pride, as well as global supremacy, was at stake in the Cold War ” (National Debate Topic 2011-12: Expanding the Space Program par. 2). The Apollo 11 mission played a significant part in the space race between the Soviet Union and the United States. The egos of the two nations was the main cause of the race. America had beat Russia to the moon and gained a huge victory as well as national pride. This resulted in a plethora of new technologies and a greater sense of nationalism. Back at this time, spending for the space program was a much larger part of our budget than it is today. From the space race with Russia, to unmanned space missions, space exploration inspires everyone it comes in contact …show more content…

The author says “Some observers, meanwhile, have worried that cancelling Constellation will result in many lost jobs in states where NASA bases many of its operations, especially Florida and Texas, at a time when work is scarce because of an economic downturn.” (National Debate Topic 2011-12: Expanding the Space Program par.83). If we gave the space program a larger budget we would create more jobs for Americans. The type of technology that can come from space funding also can create more jobs within the private sector. With the amount of money we spend on unemployment or welfare we could just as easily spend that on something more useful while at the same time creating new

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