The Benefits Of Pet Ownership

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Pet ownership has benefits on individual’s wellbeing which is positive psychology, for example researchers have found correlating evidence between pets and stress relieve. All the incredible benefits of having a pet is remarkable, for example researchers found that cat ownership was related to a 40 percent lower risk of having a fatal heart attack. Evidence has also shown that petting a dog reduces blood pressure and lowers heart rate, pets are there for their owners in ways we may never know.
REVIEW OF ARTICLE The article ‘The healing power of pets’ states that the human-animal bond can improve pet owners’ physical and mental health. Decades of clinical research and the book Kindred spirits (Broadway Books,2001) proves that humans benefit from having companion animals. Evidence suggests pet ownership reduces blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and cat ownership reduces psychiatric episodes. Research done at the University of New York found that hypertensive …show more content…

All ten participants expressed that pet-ownership has a positive impact on emotional wellness. For example, participants said their pets, ‘makes me happy’, ‘helps me relax’, and ‘unconditionally loves me’. All ten participants said their pets help them feel a sense of family, comparing them to a child or just a plain old family member. Only nine participants described their pets as invoking a sense of meaning. All ten participants described how the pet provided them with companionship. All ten participants felt that pet ownership enhanced their personal values. Pet ownership increases fun and play as well as fitness in all ten participants lives. In the contrary those same pet owners felt like their pets had some negative impact, for example, when their pet dies, jumps up on company, ruins furniture,

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