The Benefits Of Breastfeeding

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Two little pink lines. Lines that are so simple, but come with a great responsibility. Seeing those two pink lines can be terrifying, thrilling and shocking all in the same moment. A big decision new moms are faced with is how to feed their new baby. Breastfeeding is the most natural and beneficial way to feed a new baby. Breast milk is the best food for babies and the benefits of breastfeeding reach well beyond just nourishment. In this paper you will see the effects of breastfeeding exclusively in regards to babies’ health, mothers’ health and how it effects the world around the two of them.
The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life because of the benefits of breastmilk milk. When a baby exclusively breastfeeds they are given a flawless diet. Breastmilk contains essential proteins, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates among other amazing nutrients. Breastmilk changes constantly to suit the growing infant. The amount of fat is highest in the morning and lowest towards the evening. Protein levels are lowest in the early …show more content…

Breastfeeding gives new baby’s antibodies which helps fight infection and germs causing the baby to get sick less. When nursing moms go back to work they are less likely to call out of work due to their children being sick. Breastmilk is naturally produced by a pregnant woman during her second half of pregnancy. Because mothers produce milk themselves there is no need to Buy formula which can cost almost $500 a month. When strictly nursing for 6 months as the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends there is no need for bottles which alleviates purchasing bottles. A detailed pediatric cost analysis based on the AHRQ report concluded that if 90% of US mothers would comply with the recommendation to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months, there would be a savings of $13 billion per year. (Bartick M, Reinhold

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