My Family: The Stages Of The Stage Of Family

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The family that I grew up in included my father Quinton Clarke and my mother Una Clarke. I am an only child. Stage 1 deals with the beginning families’ stage and this is where a couple becomes married but they do not have any child/children yet. My parent’s grew up in the same neighborhood in Tampa, Florida and they knew each other for years. They dated throughout high school and got married at the age of 20. While they were dating, they lived separately and transitioned into marriage on February 14, 1991. They’ve gotten their house together and established an understanding marriage and see to it that they were financially stable and were capable enough before having a child/children.
The nest stage is the beginning of child bearing and all the parenting issues that comes with it. My mother was a house wife and my dad was a chief steward at a hotel. My father see to it that he had an established job to provide a comfortable home for himself and family. I was born on February 23, 1992 and I’m an only child.
Stage 3 deals with the oldest child, when he/she is 30 months to 6 years old. During this time, my father worked and I stayed home with my mother. She didn’t work, so there was no need for me to go attend a daycare, she educated me by teaching me by counting, saying the alphabets, identifying colors, and teaching me to read. My father educated me …show more content…

I am an only child and it was hard for my parents to let me go. I moved to Kentucky to attend the University and I was 13 hours away from them. Although I was becoming an adult with more responsibilities on my own, my parents still supports me in any way possible. Stage 7 in the middle years and can be referred to as the “empty nest”. I’m the only child, so I visit my parent’s during holiday seasons and every 2-3 months. When I moved out, my parents were able to refocus on their relationship and they remained passionate and lived

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