The Audience's Opinion of Bamforth in The Long and the Short and the Tall

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The Audience's Opinion of Bamforth

in The Long and the Short and the Tall

"The Long and the Short and the Tall" takes place in Malaya during the

Second World War. The title of the play comes from a song that was

very popular during the time it was set. The whole point of this play

is highlighting the war and people's attitudes to war. Bamforth is one

of the major characters in the play and the audience's opinion of him

changes throughout. At the beginning, the audience's impression of the

character is that he is stubborn, sarcastic, and insolent. However,

this changes when the Japanese soldier arrives. It shows a different

personality to Bamforth and this is the beginning of the audience's

opinion towards him changing. His relationship with other characters

changes as well. He jokes with the Welsh character, Evans, as he seems

to be the only one who understands him. Whitaker is a young soldier

who is in charge of the radio and trying to communicate with the camp.

Bamforth takes advantage of his age and ridicules him. He is rude and

sarcastic to everyone including those who have authority.

At the beginning of the play, the character, Bamforth, comes across as

opinionated when he and the rest of the group are talking about their

home lives. He has a small argument with the others when he says that

all women will be cheating on their husbands and boyfriends because

they have been away for so long.

"For all you know she could be weaning one by now"


This shows that he doesn't trust women and Americans with them.

All of the characters are stereotypical and he is automatically

disliked from the beginning by being a classic person from London:

loud, arrogant and immature.

The audience become more familiar with Bamforth through his

interactions with the other characters in the patrol. They are bored

and isolated and therefore have a lot of time to talk. Bamforth is

disliked by most of the characters apart from Evans.

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