The Armenian Genocide

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Genocide means the deliberate killing of a large group of people, ethnic group or nation. The four genocides i will discuss is Armenian, the Holocaust, Cambodian, and Rwandan genocide. All have which had a great impact on the world forever. But when and why did it all start?
The Armenian Genocide Started in Ottomans Empire. Which really shocked people because they have lived in peace for 3,000 years. After the peace was disrupted the rulers created restrictions against the Armenians Christians like unequal and unjust laws forcing them to pay higher taxes, have fewer political rights, and legal rights. Many Armenian men were forced into labor camps which had a highest death rate. They built roads and were almost like a human pack. Those who did not die in the labor area were most likely shot. When the orders were given to exterminate the Armenians it was in a coded telegram then, round ups began in April of 1915. The Turkish rounded up different types of people from their homes and were jailed, tortured, hanged or shot. Another torture method was a large number of people arrested where they were tied together and taken to outskirts of their town where they were shot and killed by the death squads or Turkish soldiers (United Human Rights Council).
The Armenians had many barriers to overcome but shocked the community is how much the Armenians strived under Ottomans Empire. Many Christian Armenians tended to be much wealthier and have a stronger education than others. But what was most shocking to other was the fact that the Armenians were more loyal to Ottomans Empire government then the Russians were.
When the genocide began on April 24, 1915 the turkish government arrested hundreds of Armenians were arrested. Many were turned o...

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... said. He had this obsession about keeping the Germans pure and he also he explained that Germany is. After he got out of jail he took advantage of the status to rise and eventually he was named Chancellor of Germany.
When her rounded the first group of Jewish people he told then it was a “protective custody”. He held about 27,000 people in the concentration camps. Another message was sent to the country by burning all the Jewish books. If you were a Jewish doctor or lawyer in this time your clients were taken from you. German synagogues were burned as well as the Jewish store.But the Jewish people could not flee the country but yet had to stay and live in fear that they might be next.
Before they were actually sent to the concentration camps they were first taken to a ghetto. The mass killing centers was where many of the Jews were sent to through 1942 - 1945.

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