The Anomie Theory Of Problems With Juvenile Crimes

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One of the biggest problems which the United States is faced with is juvenile crime. The reason experts feel juvenile 's commit crimes is because of risk factors when they were younger but experts still have not found the main reason why juvenile 's commit crimes. Some risk factors associated with juvenile crime are poverty, repeated exposure to violence, drugs, easy access to firearms, unstable family life and family violence, delinquent peer groups, and media violence. There are persistent patterns in the delinquency rate. Official arrest statistics, victim data, and self-reports indicate that males are significantly more delinquent than females. Self-report data show that a significant number of adolescents become crime victims. The NCVS …show more content…

Anomie theory is Durkheim’s theory that proposes that rapid social change often results in a state of normlessness that results in the deregulation of people and their behavior. My reason for believing homicide and this theory relates is due to the fact majority of these juveniles that commit this violent crime went through some social change in their household before or during the crime. Majority of these juveniles come from socially, mentally and physically households that are abusive. These juveniles are not only wounded physically, but these kinds of harsh acts affect their actions. Since there are being harmed at home, they begin to harm others in retaliation. Another theory that I believe relates to this crime is micro-level theories. Micro-level theories are theories of delinquency that focus on the characteristics of the individual or social processes that have an effect on individual level behavior. Every time a juvenile is committed for a violent crime, especially homicide, the court always does a background check on the child. As I stated above, it all starts at home. Juveniles in these situations are usually faced with poor living situations. They turned their anger they receive at home or being bullied in school and commit a vicious act that they do not fully think

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