Reflection On School Board Meeting

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I started off my observation hours for this class by attending a School Board Meeting at Phillis Wheately Elementary School on January 21st from 7:00pm-9:00pm. The first part of the meeting began at 6:00pm and was not open to the public. The members of the board were in a separate room talking about topics that, according to ***the rules***, they are allowed to keep confidential. Once they were done having their private meeting, the school board emerged from their isolated room and came into the school’s library where the public was waiting for them.
Once the school board took their places, the meeting began with a motion to move into Open Session, which basically means that they were starting the public portion of the meeting. I was shocked when the meeting was opened with a prayer. I did not think that public schools were allowed to pray or acknowledge God in any shape or form, so I was quite pleased to see the reverence and respect given to Him at this meeting. After the prayer, everyone said the Pledge of Allegiance and then the first order of business began. A teacher got up to talk to the board about a new initiative being enacted in the school district called Compassionate Schools. She gave a slide presentation explaining the process and the …show more content…

Even though I had no personal investment in the school district, I was very excited to hear such good things about all the school and all the programs that they were implementing. It was interesting to see how decisions were made and how the board operated. It was also gratifying to note that the parents cared enough about their school district to show up and learn about what was happening. I believe attending this meeting was a valuable experience for me and I am glad to have done it. On a side note, I observed that the superintendent of the school was wearing green and blue striped socks with dress shoes and a suit; I found this to be

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