Political, Political And Political Causes Of The American Revolution

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The American Independence movement had many political, economic, and social causes that led up to it. All of these aspects contain American and British Bias through their point of view on what they thought was right at the time. In the 1600’s Great Britain sent over commoners to colonize the New World. Great Britain believed it was for the advancement of the empire and representation of the King’s power. Parliament told the colonists to set up a mercantile system and to govern themselves. This was necessary for the colonists because they were all the way across the Atlantic Ocean from their motherland. These colonists that arrived in America were all from Great Britain and loyal to their King. However, the longer the colonist occupied America …show more content…

The acts imposed on the colonies and the mercantile system was set up for the benefit of the empire. Many of the acts imposed had a political affect that correlated to the economy, however there were several acts that would affect the economical aspects directly. The Navigation Acts (1763) meant that the colonists could not import goods from any other country that didn’t have a British ship or Crew. The Sugar Act (1764) put a tax on imported sugar, molasses, rum, wine, and other items. The Stamp Act (1765) was an act that required colonists to purchase stamps every time there was a purchased item. The Tea Act (1773) was designed to aid East India Trading Company and to stop tea smuggling. These acts were a taxation to benefit the British empire’s economy that was in debt to the French Indian Wars. The mercantile system was another economically aspect. Mercantilism meant that the colonists could only trade raw goods with Britain and that they could not manufacture goods. From a British perspective, these were good for the economy but, for the colonist not as …show more content…

However, the social ideas were very powerful for the colonists and kept them motivated to win their independence. These ideas of John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, and Voltaire were called enlightenment ideas and these ideas helped shape America into what it has grown to be. John Locke believed in natural rights such as life, liberty, and property. He also believed in people having rights of revolution, and he supported limited government. The revolting colonists that wanted to be free and believed in a republic style of government shared John Locke’s ideas. Baron de Montesquieu had the idea of our modern style government, a government with the separation of powers into executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This style of government has checks and balances to make sure that no single branch becomes too powerful. Voltaire believed in freedom of speech, which is our first amendment. From a British standpoint, these ideas are absurd and contradict all of the enlightenment ideas. Great Britain contradicts John Locke’s ideas because you are not allowed to revolt against the King and that the King and Parliament should control everything. The British ideals also contradict Baron de Montesquieu’s ideas in the sense that there are only two branches of government the King and Parliament and it lacks checks and balances. Voltaire’s beliefs are also contradicted

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