The American Civil War

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The American Civil war was a series of transactions, or exchanges, between the North and the South. These transactions involved over 1 million Americans who put their lives at risk for the liberation of the country’s slaves. These transactions were influenced by three paramount concepts: perspectives, values, and relative evaluations of costs and benefits. In the midst of this tumultuous period of time in American history, these concepts shaped not just the people themselves but the social, political, and economic transactions of the civil war. The perspectives of the Union and the Confederacy always conflicted with one another due to the fact that slavery was an anomaly in the North and prominent in the South. The Northern perspective was that slavery was unnecessary and a threat to the American Dream. On the other hand, the Southern perspective was that slavery was an absolute necessity that would strengthen the American economy. These perspectives were influenced by the values of the North and the South. The Northerners valued a unified, slave-free America based on a free-soil, industrial economy, whereas the Southerners valued the preservation of the antebellum period through secession. Although both sides had conflicting perspectives and values, they did not engage in a Civil until they evaluated the relative costs and benefits of violence. It is important to understand the differences in perspectives, values, and relative analysis of costs and benefits that shaped the social, political, and economic transactions during the Civil War because this era created a nation that values freedom. A perspective is a specific way of viewing things depending on one’s beliefs, character, and associations. When a subject or thing is discu... ... middle of paper ... ...ver slavery expansion. The Free-Soil Party were abolitionist northerners that supported the Wilmot Proviso, and adopted its terms in the 1848 election. On the contrary, the Southern valued the “antebellum period,” a time of white supremacy. The white supremacy, which commenced pre-Civil War forward and would eventually lead to the infamous American white supremacy group, the Ku Klux Klan, made whites superior to foreign races other than their own. This white supremacy movement would only put blacks and other incoming races in racial judgment and racial inequality, moreover subjects to slavery. This would eventually be one of the most valid reasons for secession from the free states in the North. Although the Union and the Confederacy had different values and perspectives, they were many relative social, political, and economic costs and benefits of the Civil War.

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