Allegory Of The Cave

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It was during my senior year of high school in my philosophy class that I was changed by a reading/writing experience. We had to read a short story called "The Allegory of the Cave" which was taught by the prestigious philosopher Socrates, but written by his protege Plato. At first I really didn 't want to do this assignment, it sounded kind of boring. But once I actually did it, it turned out to be a really interesting story. It made me think deeper into everything I do, and it showed me different perceptions on what is happening. This paper, for example, it took me forever to understand what the assignment actually meant. I was thinking too deep into it, thus making it harder for me to start and pick a topic. What I really trying to accomplish …show more content…

All they saw were shadows dancing across the wall in front of them. This was their life. What they didn 't know was that these shadows were being made by people passing behind them carrying all kinds of things like; pots, bows, children, or even animals. This became the men 's perception of reality. Later one of the men got released and he saw the world for what it really was and had a better description on everything. So he ran back inside to tell the others, but they didn 't believe him, they believed what they saw on the wall. This idea turned into our assignment and the class had to write a short paragraph on what this story meant to us today. What I got out of this story is that the world is being manipulated by all kinds of factors, for example, the media or the press. They all have something to say and everyone believes it, because that is how things have been for so long, that we are just molded or shaped to believe everything we see on the television, in the newspaper, or in a magazine. Similar to the men in the cave, we also have this perception on life, and how we should live our lives. Thus fueling people 's ignorance, it will make a person feel like they know something to the very last detail. So when you, or someone else, tries to add any input or has another view they will argue and try to prove their …show more content…

So I 'm kind of a shy person, and I like to put all the pieces together before I speak, I didn 't really speak up during the discussion instead I sat back and listened. Then Mr. Gant brought up a question, he said, "Think about this, okay, have you ever actually made your own decision? Like decided all on your own with no outside influence whatsoever, not even from what you heard on T.V., not what your friend told, not something that you overheard passing people, like nothing at all, just all on your own." This question hit me like a bus, I didn 't know what to think, I felt like I have but at the same time maybe I haven 't. At this moment the class fell silent, everyone was trying to think of a time that they did something on their own but there always ended up being a passed influence. These thoughts lead us to the end of the class and Mr. Gant asked us to think on it, see if we can think of an argument for the next time we

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