The Advantages And Disadvantages Of International Medical Graduates

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International Medical Graduates (IMGs) study five to eight years in their country to become physicians. When they come to the Unites States, graduates often struggle with a new language and standardized tests. Numerous foreign doctors like myself, explore alternative pathways into a healthcare career. Even if a foreign medical graduate speaks the language and passes the test, the disadvantage exists. Foreign medical graduates have a 50% chance they cannot advance their careers compared to the 94% of Seniors in US medical schools (Bailey, 2016). Both international medical graduates and US medical graduates learn the same conceptual information. However, when IMGs are learning practical clinical skills, US graduates are receiving the resources to pass the licensing exam, prep resumes and learn the systems. Therefore, the issue is not who knows …show more content…

There are positives and negative feedback loops in life (Meadows, 1999). The positive serves as an uncontrollable source of growth if not managed; the negative loop serves as an intervention that reduces the self-multiplying power (Meadows, 1999). Like with medical graduates, there are countless positive feedback loops in society reward the winners with the resources for bigger winning next time (Meadows, 1999). However, the opportunity for change exists when understanding the archetypes and relaying the message of thinking as a system. Communication is primordial when individuals, teams, departments, and organizations increase communication capabilities that promote systems perspectives. Systems archetypes provide the language to explain habitual patterns of behavior (Senge, 2006). Mastering systems archetypes promotes the practice of systems perspectives (Senge, 2006). The purpose of systems archetypes is to recondition perceptions, to be abler to observe structures at play and to distinguish the leverage in those structures (Senge,

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