That's What Friends Are For

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“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
— Albert Camus, Nobel Prize winning author
It is 3 o’clock on a Monday morning. You’re sitting on a cold, hard bench staring at the ground, franticly attempting to make up a cover story for what you had been doing. However, as luck would have it, you find yourself utterly unable to do so. Sitting beside you is the guy that you had just been caught with and you can tell that he’s having the same creative difficulties as you. Finally you look over at each other, sigh, and accept your fate. He smiles, gives you a high-five, and says to you, “Totally worth it!”
Throughout our lives, we all find ourselves constantly asking and repeating a lot of the same questions, and all of us coming up with a manifold of different answers, each of which being dependent upon where we stand at said points in our lives. In my opinion though, the most important question we ever ask ourselves though is, “Where am I going?” Now, I don’t mean this in the literal sense of what is the destination you are trying to reach so much as I’m asking your endgame is. What will this decision lead to in my life as a whole? How would my life differ if I were to make this choice as opposed to doing something completely different? Our lives are our own to live and do with as we please, but on our journeys we will all grapple with vastly different challenges containing many of the same overall characteristics which should all converge upon asking yourself, “Where am I going?”, “What path will this decision lead me down?”, and “Will I be proud of the life and the version of myself that this produces?”
As we all come from various backgrounds and seek...

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...even just settling down to raise a family with a loving spouse, happiness is everyone’s endgame. It is my steadfast belief that no matter how many times you ask yourself where you are going, you are there because of your friends, both past and present. Therefore, why in the world would we try to consider anything to be of greater value than that of our friendships? For many reasons, from the power we possess to the money we obtain, our jobs constantly put us in a position to either follow behind or swagger in front of our fellow people. Only with true friends can you gracefully walk alongside one another, trusting each other completely, and not feeling any need to be anyone besides yourself. Money, power, and other temporary outlets of content aside, we could all live a much happier and peaceful life if we accept friendship as the most important value in our lives.

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