Terrore Virus Research Paper

800 Words2 Pages

Ortum Immortuorum

At the dawn of the 18th century, the Terrore virus emerged. Patient Zero, a boy named William Bernard, bit 3 members of his family. Within 3 days, thousands of people ravaged local headlines as “zombies” until 1768, when many of them hibernated for centuries. Many called it a legend, but no one knew the horror that would emerge.

Serrano Creek. A lovely graveyard, until February of 2014. Historians did not think much of it, but they were wrong. In fact, this small, ancient graveyard in Greece hosted the first zombies that would lead to the annihilation of three continents. In fact, the first zombie, coined “Horroros”, emerged from the graveyard and attacked 3 families on February 23rd, 2014, …show more content…

There are three ways to spread this disease:
Contact of gangrene
Blood-blood contact
Saliva-blood contact

No vaccine is available for this disease, so avoid anybody who displays these symptoms, as these are early signs of Terrore.
Extremely anti-social behavior: Patients avoid social interaction, and grunt and groan at the sight of another person.
Partial or total color-blindness: The Terrore virus destroys cones, making patients unable to perceive colors except weak shades of red and blue.
Bloody or blackened areas around arms: This virus attacks the central nervous system, and saps resources from the arms first, before changing the host’s brain to spread this disease first.

Within 2 hours, people displaying these symptoms will become full-fledged zombies. If anyone in a general vicinity exhibits these symptoms, call 811 immediately and evacuate to a safer location as soon as …show more content…

For example, a tribe in Asia understood the anatomy of the zombie and still remains unscathed to this day, despite no human beings existing in a 100-mile vicinity.

The small tribe who survived the apocalypse instantly discovered that gangrene begins to form in the triceps and ulnaris, which infects those who come in contact with it. However, some parts of this transformed body do not become infected by the Terrore virus. Nevertheless, the Brachialis and Axilla still contain all the nerves vital for zombie brains, and if people target these points, the arms of those infected with the Terrore virus will fall off.

Pressure points in zombies are indicated here. Attacking these points will disarm the zombie immediately.

While the arm is the primary source of infection, the legs also carry a small amount of gangrene. Consequently, healthy people can quickly be infected by a seemingly trivial kick from an infected zombie, even if it is disarmed.

A picture of an infected leg (right) The normal human leg is located on the left. Gangrene deposits appear on the kneecap.


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