Tensionism And Imperialism In Henry Kissinger's Diplomacy

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Within Henry Kissinger’s Diplomacy, Kissinger elaborates on various topics such as the inherent tensions of American diplomacy, what makes it unique and how the uniqueness of American diplomacy led to the views of expansionism and isolationism towards foreign policy. Using topics like Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson’s presidencies as well as the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the various dealings in the Middle East and other such foreign affairs, Kissinger effectively provides insight on how these concepts show America’s uniqueness and how it led to America being a successful nation.

American history has always been unique. From the start, immigrants travelled for religious freedoms and prosperity to a new land and quickly
Realism is the thought that all political tactics are motivated by national interests, which are then disguised to look like moral concerns. This view was established by Theodore Roosevelt, for he “did not believe that it (The United States) could keep the peace or fulfill its destiny simply by practicing civil virtues.” (Kissinger, 39) Idealism is, the less cynical ideal, stating that nations should work towards an internal and external peace. This view was created by Woodrow Wilson, that America should be unselfish and bring peace not only for themselves but also the world. After looking at these two concepts I have noticed that I tend to believe more towards realism. In American foreign policy I shift towards realism when it comes to certain subjects such as the Middle East. Since the United States are mainly involved in there for oil, I believe that the United States is only there for a personal gain. Likewise, I believe that we are only working with Cuba and Mexico for further personal gain with trade and exporting our factories to Mexico. In a sense, I can see how this might improve the other countries, bringing them more economic flow and giving them a main factor of trade, yet that is more of a cover up, that we are in Mexico, Cuba and the Middle East to ‘help’ when we are only there to help ourselves. Once those resources are gone America will go on to find a new place of trade and start the cycle all over

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