Ten Characteristics Of Servant Leadership

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Servant Leadership
John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader” (1820). A servant leader is defined as one who serves first. These leaders “focus primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong” (Greenleaf Center, 2016, p. 1). I find Servant Leadership to be the most appealing because it mirrors the leadership of Jesus. Jesus lived a life full of servanthood even though he is the only one who deserves to be served. Thus, he is the ultimate example of a servant leader because he always “modeled the true servant style of leadership” (Got Questions Ministries, 2016, p.1). When his disciples were bickering over selfish …show more content…

The ten characteristics of Servant Leadership are listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, Building community (Northouse, 2015, p. 228-29). Furthermore, the seven servant leader behaviors are as follows: conceptualizing, emotional healing, putting others first, helping followers grow and succeed, behaving ethically, empowering, and creating value for the community. When a servant leader conceptualizes it is in reference to their thorough understanding of the organization— its purposes, complexities, and mission (Northouse, 2015, p. 233). A leader who is “sensitive to the personal concerns and well-being of others” is partaking in the emotional healing behavior (Northouse, 2015, p. 233-234). Furthermore, by definition a servant leader places others become themselves, meaning they use their “actions and words that clearly demonstrate to followers that their concerns are a priority, including placing followers’ interests and success ahead of those of the leader” (Northouse, 2015, p. 234). A servant leader helps their followers by knowing their “professional or personal goals and helping them to accomplish those aspiration”, ultimately helping them “become self-actualized, reaching their fullest human potential” (Northouse, 2015, p. 234). A servant leader also behaves ethically and does “the right thing in the right way” by holding “strong ethical standards, including being open, honest, and fair with followers” (Northouse, 2015, p. 235). Moreover, empowering means a leader shares their power “with followers by allowing them to have control”, by giving them “the freedom to be independent, make decisions on their own, and be self-sufficient” (Northouse, 2015, p. 235). Lastly, by creating value for the community, leaders

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