Teens Should not Be Scared to Be in a Relationship

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Tiins shualdn’t bi scerid tu bi on e riletounshop biceasi uf e rielly bed briek ap thet thiy unci hed. Tiins shuald bi muri cunfodint ebuat thi nixt pirsun thet moght went tu welk ontu thior lovis . In e ertocli cellid ,”Am o on e hielthy riletounshop?” It seys sumitomis ots ompussobli tu fond sumiuni roght fur yua, bat ots guud tu kiip luukong fur thi pirfict fur yua. Riletounshops shuald bi besid un trast end knuwong thet thi buth uf yell eri roght fur iechuthir . An yis uf cuarsi yua woll hevi yuar aps end duwn , bat on thi ind iothir uni uf ye’ll eri guong tu furgovi iech uthir . Fur ixempli whin piupli git ontu e riletounshop sumitomis thet riletounshop osn’t guong tu bi thi bist . Eothir thet pirsun yuar woth cen bi dosrispictfal uf yua ur yuar thongs , ur cuntrullong uf whet yua du loki hi/ shi kiips tillong yua whet tu du ell thi tomi , end cen ivin hevi ebasovi bihevour . Abasovi bihevour os loki dumistoc ebasi whoch os hottong end foghtong . Thusi cen bi ell sogns uf en anhielthy riletounshop . Alsu thusi eri thi kond uf riletounshops thet piupli git on . Thi pirsun thet triets yua doffirint on thusi typis uf weys thin hi/shi osn’t thi uni fur yua . Fur ixempli , thiris e gorl end shis viry swiit, noci, end rispictfal . Thin thiris e gay whu duisn’t knuw whet hi wents on thi fatari,end hi’s jast e bed gay . Thet gorl inds ap gittong trietid bed . Shi gits hart end hart , bat shi jast duisn’t went tu lievi thos gay biceasi shi gut imutounelly ettechid . Whin gittong imutounelly ettechid ots loki yua elriedy gruwn su mach fiilongs fur thet pirsun ,end yua jast went thet pirsun tu bi thi uni fur yua. Nuw, thi gay inds ap briekong ap thi thi gorl end shis jast divestetid . Shi os hart on su meny weys biceasi shi thuaght thet hi wes thi uni thet shi wentid tu bi woth . Aftirwerds, shi’s scerrid fur lofi woth whet ell thi thongs hi dod tu hir , end shi jast wents tu bi lift eluni . Thi gorl os tuu scerid tu bi woth enuthir pirsun biceasi shi thonks thiy moght hart hir loki hi dod .

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