Teenage Depression Misconceptions

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There are plenty of misconceptions about Adolescent Depression, as there are referring to teenagers in general. Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders, in the United States alone and is increasing as one most serious health concerns facing us. Personally, there should be more individuals who are willing to provide support and a lot of individuals who should not overlook this thus more.The irony behind all of this, is that it is alone one of the most treatable disorders. Depression is a major problem in society, affecting every aspect of life, at the age of adolescence. If the individual is left untreated it leads to problems at home, school, drugs, self loathing, the tragedy of violence such as murder or suicide. Depressive alignment in teens is described by many as an illness when the feeling of sadness, inundate their peers with unending rhetoric, and appear to be typical teens.
Teenage Depression can affect a teen regardless of gender, social background, income level, race, school, and other achievements. Though teenage girls report suffering from depression ...

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