Teen Stress Essay

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Google defined stress in several ways: 1) Pressure or tension exerted on a material object. 2) A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. No matter what definition one chooses to believe, Brain Brilliance Consulting claims that these biological responses control the brain in emotional, devastating, or fairly happy times (1). Stress is the cause of many problems in teenagers in today’s time. Lack of sleep, eating, and irritation are some of the few effects that take a toll on one’s body. Unfortunately, stress is caused by everyday activities like school, grades, college, and even parents. Homework and school is the number one leading cause of stress in teens (NPR pg 1). The pressure of achieving high standards while still in high school is a heavy burden. Sadly, many teens often think that not “being the best” or “number one” is the end of the world, especially when the grades count toward college. Many teens strive for the best, and when their best is not good enough, then they often become stressed and turn to alternative ways to achieve their goal. Unfortunately, some of the alternatives teens Major life changes and chronic worry are two of the most popular causes. External changes consist of such changes as moving or getting fired from one’s job. This can take an extreme toll on the body and make it difficult to handle the process of the change. Whereas some people are able to go with whatever life throws at them, most are desperately trying to see a way past the stressful path. Internal changes, like chronic worry, is a very affecting imbalance on the body and mind. Normaly, this is caused by minor thoughts that may or may not happen (HelpGuid.org pg….). As humans, we tend to focus on the “now” and not the “late on”, therefore, stress then occurs and affects the body in many negative

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