Teddy Roosevelt Personality

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President Theodore Roosevelt is one of the most influential presidents in the United States history. Roosevelt is credited for changing the way presidents’ run their administration. He was able to find a balance of domestic and foreign relations. He was also able to find the perfect balance of conservative and progressive, in order to please the American people. Teddy Roosevelt has left a legacy of being a man of contradictions. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born on October 27, 1858 in New York, New York. His father, “Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., was a noted businessman and philanthropist, and his mother, Martha Bulloch of Georgia, came from a wealthy, slave-owning plantation family.” Roosevelt was the second child out of four children. As a child, …show more content…

Sinclair had directly sent Roosevelt a copy of his book. After reading The Jungle, Roosevelt sent officials to investigate the meat packing industry. Sinclair’s book instantly became an international best seller and sparked outrage. In response, Roosevelt had created both the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act, which had created governmental agencies that protected the consumers. Congress did not pass either acts until the officials confirmed what Sinclair had said. Sinclair had started a new wave of journalism called “muckrakers.” Muckrakers were “investigative journalists …[that] had exposed the squalid conditions of food-processing industries.” Muckrakers exposed the countries largest problems that had been swept under the rug. As much as Roosevelt on domestic policies, he also focused on foreign relations. At the beginning of Roosevelt’s presidency, he passed the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was signed on December 2, 1823. The Monroe Doctrine promised that the United States would remain neutral and not interfere with countries and territories in the Western Hemisphere. Roosevelt discussed how the United States plays a role in the Monroe Doctrine and how important the United States’ neighboring countries are by stating …show more content…

Roosevelt had encouraged Congress to pass the Forest Service in 1905. The Forest Service was made to manage the government’s forest reserves. Roosevelt also created many of the national forests, “in order to make them off-limits to commercial exploitation of lumber, minerals, and waterpower.” Roosevelt was able to conserve 194 million acres of land. Roosevelt wrote that “The man who would so handle his forest as to cause erosion and to injure stream flow must be not only educated but he must be controlled.” Roosevelt clearly believed that if any man was willing to harm nature in any way was uneducated and out of control. Since, Roosevelt had conserved so much land, the Theodore National Park in North Dakota and the Theodore Roosevelt Island in Washington, D.C were created. It was very clear that Roosevelt believed in Peace, and Roosevelt winning the Nobel Peace Prize further proved that

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