Technology: The Technologically Civilized Society

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Today we live in a world where everything is practically automatic. We can refer to today’s society as the “technologically civilized” society. There’s been a drastic change from the older days till now. As an example, in the past people had to wash and dry dirty dishes by hand, or write a letter to get in contact with someone. Nowadays, we can push a simple button to start the dishwasher, or give that certain someone a phone call or send an email. Technology can provide the benefit of giving us a simpler, stress-free life or it can become a misfortune we face everyday. Unfortunately, today technology has overcome our lives and we have become too dependent on it. It’s crazy to think how far technology has come and how advanced it could be in the future. But why do people really need technology? It has many advantages and disadvantages but as humans we should be able to control ourselves and not become so dependent on it. Personally, the invention of the smartphone was a great thing I think. In many ways, it is an advantage; it’s easier just to have everything you could need in one device. The problem with that is the addiction people gain from being able …show more content…

The effect technology has on our cognitive skills is a serious issue. All the skills you learned when you were a kid that you would use as you grow up have become obsolete thanks to technology. We adapt to the technological mechanisms however, our brains are not as flexible. “The immense amounts of data passing through our brains that our thought processes and attention spans have grown shallow. If we need an answer to a question all we have to do is Google it, answer it, and forget it.” (Enwald, 2011) Now think about the last thing you googled. Then think about a book you read a couple years ago. You probably remember more about the book you read a couple years ago than the question you googled a couple days

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