Technology Behind a Smart Home

608 Words2 Pages

With recent technological advancements and the beginnings of the automation era, smart homes are making permanent and unprecedented changes to the way we live. Forgetting things like setting security alarms or turning on the dishwasher could become relics of a former way of life as automation systems manage and link our appliances, thermostats, and even computers while putting all their features into the palms of our hands. Imagine being able to control your home with a simple remote while you're at home and with your tablet PC while on the go! While the idea of a smart home is not new, they are on the verge of rising fast in popularity as automation technology becomes more affordable and available.

The technology behind a smart home

Creation of a smart home requires three types of devices: controllers, sensors, and actuators. Controllers allow users to specify which tasks are needed, sensors detect commands for operations to be performed, and actuators perform the physical actions necessary for the requested procedure. For example, if a user requests that their coffee machine be a...

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