Technical Issues Related to JECRIPE

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Description Unity3D is a game engine that allows the development of 3D games much faster. It can be downloaded from its official website [Unity01]. Different modules and functionalities compose this tool, which is a need to be considered a complete game engine. In particular, it has a 3D rendering system with programmable Shaders support and a great physics engine built-in. It has a good architecture for scripts programming, an integrated Scenes editor, and the ability to directly import 3D models, images and audio files created in external tools. Beyond that, it is possible to build for multiple platforms, such as PC, Macintosh and even web browsers. Other versions, with the proper acquiring of a license, allow the development for a game console, the Nintendo Wii, and even mobile devices, such as the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Using Unity3D makes possible to integrate audio, images and 3D models made from other professionals using different external tools, visualize and modify their positions or behaviors in real-time. In more details, Unity3D removes the need of the game developer to use DirectX or OpenGL (even though it is still possible, if necessary), supporting the creation of complex Shaders written in the CG language from NVidia. Internally, the physics system is the popular PhysX, also from NVidia. For the scripts execution, Unity uses a high performance version of the Mono library, an open-source implementation of the .Net framework from Microsoft. Behaviors programming inside Unity is done through scripts, that can be written in either of these 3 programming languages: JavaScript, C# or Boo. One might actually write a script in JavaScript and another in C# without any problems. They will compile and ... ... middle of paper ... ...on of the mouse position. Once that is done, the object is positioned at a fixed distance, in such a way to restrict its movement to two axis (x and y), or in other words, vertically and horizontally. At the time the mouse button is released, the system checks the position of the dropped object. If its collision component is touching the baby's little chair then the object is placed on the top of that and a happy baby animation is played (Figure 3). On the other hand, if the object is released in any other place then its position is set to the original place on top of the shelf. After all the objects have been delivered to the baby, the baby starts clapping his hands and a success audio clip is played. Once again, the application sends a message to the GameController telling about the successful completion of the activity and the Island scene is loaded again.

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