Teamwork Case Study

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To properly access teamwork one would need to know the definition of a team. People tend to use the terms group and team as synonyms. Do you have a team or just a group? It is known fact that all teams are groups, but not all groups are teams. All great leaders want to evolve a group into a team to gain the benefits of teamwork and to be a considerate productive in an organizational culture. Within this case study, leadership is tasked with implementing a new process to improving customer service within the Organization, by helping resolve a list of negative issues that are infecting the teamwork. In 1965, Bruce W. Tuckman created five steps to assist with developing a group into a team. Tuckman proposed a four-stage map of group evolution, …show more content…

The team begins to perform and work on task together. The team has achieved harmony, defined its tasks, worked out its relationships, and started producing results. The dynamic of the team is very positive, members have learned to work together and contribute their resources to achieve the company and team goals. They are not only doing the work, they are paying attention to duties performed, resulting in the employees having a clear mind and to become motivated to provide better customer service. The team becomes very independent and eager to gain more knowledge, there for the leader would be moving into a coach leadership style. The leader can start to assist with his/her individual team growth which will commence to drive enthusiasm within the team …show more content…

Whether it is a person or a company, actions can affect everything and everyone in the vicinity. Bruce W. Tuckman created five stages to guide us to creating our “dream team”. In the process of transforming a group into a team, a leader will go a thru all sorts of different behaviors and problems, however, he/she must stay strong. A leader must beware of the following terms to assist with the journey he/she will be traveling: groupthink, teamthink, diversity, inclusion, culture, and climate. Each concept, from the beginning of the forming stage to the end the adjourning stage, can either make or break a group before it even becomes a team. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success-Henry

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