Team Reflection

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The team involved the parents by asking them to identify their child’s strengths. They also asked the parents to identify their hopes for their child’s future. The team asked the parents about their current concerns for their child’s education as well as their future concerns about his move to the middle school.
The parents believed that their child was not meeting his goals. They stated that he was getting further behind academically and was becoming frustrated to the point of tears. They also expressed their fears about their child’s move to the middle school. They believed their child might fall further behind resulting from this move. And finally, the parents were concerned about increasing his goals and decreasing his time spent in …show more content…

According to the team, the student needs to write a well-organized and adequately detailed 3-5 paragraph essay with independent use of graphic organizers on a 4 out of 5 tries.
The team will measure the students’ progress using work samples such as journals, essays, computer work, and writing assessments. The team will keep weekly data to track the students’ progress.
The team members, including the parents and the student began the meeting by introducing themselves. They identified the student’s specific disability, his strengths, and involved the parents and student by asking specific strengths and future goals. The team made decisions about appropriate education, services provided, and placement for the student during the IEP meeting. The team used assessment result to help make their decisions. The team followed an outline and used student work samples and assessments to determine appropriate goals and objectives for the student. The team mapped out the students school day and identified the necessary resources, adaptations, and accommodations the student needed to be …show more content…

I understand that it is important for educators and parent to work together to develop an IEP that is beneficial to the student. I also believe my strengths as a caring and compassionate educator will help me develop IEPs that meet the student’s individual needs and address the fears and concerns their parents have for their child’s education. And finally, I believe that my ability to identify my student’s strengths and weaknesses will help me determine what resources, adaptations, and accommodations the student needs to be

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