TarLab Osmolarity Test and InflammaDry Test

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Similar to TarLab osmolarity test, the InflammaDry test is quick to perform which measures and monitors a tear film component indicative of dry eyes. Elevated levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), which is a marker for inflammation found in the tears of a dry eye can be detected by inflammaDry. In the normal tear film, the level of MMP-9 is normally between 3 and 40 ng/mL. Greater level than 40 ng/mL indicates ocular surface inflammation. However as this is a nonspecific marker of inflammation, patient history and other clinical signs have to be confirmed before diagnosing dry eyes. This tool is not expensive and it’s highly portable which can be easily administered by a technician. In a recent FDA clinical trial, InflammaDry demonstrated 85% sensitivity and 94% specificity. [5]. The TearLAb device allows the practitioner to monitor and supervise the tear film’s osmolarity, which is an important factor correlated with dry eye. In normal patients tear osmolarity is low and very similar to blood osmolarity (290 milliosmoles per litter). This indicates that tears are in proper homeostasis. On the other hand, dry eye patients have elevated (> 316 mOsm/L) and unstable tear osmolarity which can vary both over time and between eyes.[4]. This test is simple and quick to perform which can be easily delegated to a consultant or a technician This device illuminates the tear film and records and measures the interference pattern of the reflected light. This “interferogram” is then captured, monitored and analysed by software which allows the thickness of the lipid layer to be measured with nanometre accuracy. If the tear film composition is abnormal or the lipid layer is too thin, then treatment (associated LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System) can be advised, provided the meibomian glands remain expressible. This tool offers valuable data to practitioners and it’s not difficult to perform. OCT is, highly accurate, non-invasive and has successfully documented tear film changes in response to punctal occlusion and cyclosporine therapy. [6, 7] OCT is less affected by the reflex tearing than traditional tear film assessments as it does not require any contact with the ocular surface or use of dyes. Recent ultra-high resolution OCT is able to create a map of epithelial irregularity and quantify it. This can accurately indicate the severity of the dryness and is useful for both diagnosis and monitoring during treatment. The EyePrim device is also very quick, painless and reliable which allows sampling of conjuctival cells which allows further analysis of those cells for markers of dry eyes.

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