Similar to TarLab osmolarity test, the InflammaDry test is quick to perform which measures and monitors a tear film component indicative of dry eyes. Elevated levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), which is a marker for inflammation found in the tears of a dry eye can be detected by inflammaDry. In the normal tear film, the level of MMP-9 is normally between 3 and 40 ng/mL. Greater level than 40 ng/mL indicates ocular surface inflammation. However as this is a nonspecific marker of inflammation, patient history and other clinical signs have to be confirmed before diagnosing dry eyes. This tool is not expensive and it’s highly portable which can be easily administered by a technician. In a recent FDA clinical trial, InflammaDry demonstrated 85% sensitivity and 94% specificity. [5]. The TearLAb device allows the practitioner to monitor and supervise the tear film’s osmolarity, which is an important factor correlated with dry eye. In normal patients tear osmolarity is low and very similar to blood osmolarity (290 milliosmoles per litter). This indicates that tears are in proper homeostasis. On the other hand, dry eye patients have elevated (> 316 mOsm/L) and unstable tear osmolarity which can vary both over time and between eyes.[4]. This test is simple and quick to perform which can be easily delegated to a consultant or a technician This device illuminates the tear film and records and measures the interference pattern of the reflected light. This “interferogram” is then captured, monitored and analysed by software which allows the thickness of the lipid layer to be measured with nanometre accuracy. If the tear film composition is abnormal or the lipid layer is too thin, then treatment (associated LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System) can be advised, provided the meibomian glands remain expressible. This tool offers valuable data to practitioners and it’s not difficult to perform. OCT is, highly accurate, non-invasive and has successfully documented tear film changes in response to punctal occlusion and cyclosporine therapy. [6, 7] OCT is less affected by the reflex tearing than traditional tear film assessments as it does not require any contact with the ocular surface or use of dyes. Recent ultra-high resolution OCT is able to create a map of epithelial irregularity and quantify it. This can accurately indicate the severity of the dryness and is useful for both diagnosis and monitoring during treatment. The EyePrim device is also very quick, painless and reliable which allows sampling of conjuctival cells which allows further analysis of those cells for markers of dry eyes.
Then, when she was finished reading, she stopped at a particular line and I wrote down her results. I also tested her other eye, which is her right eye, which had different results. After, she finished and I wrote her results down, I tested her vision field by sitting in front of her and placing my finger near her ear and she then told me when she saw my finger first. Next, I tested Jazmine Cooley’s oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves by looking at the pupil of her eye and briefly shining a flashlight into her eyes asking her to look up, down, left, right, and side to side. Then, I repeated the same test, however, I did not use a flashlight this time, but I had her follow along to my clenched fist with my thumb held up.
There are three parts to the eye exam, the visual acuity exam. This test uses an eye chart to measure how good you can see an object details or the shape of an object at a far distance. 20/20 is the perfect visual acuity and if you 're legally blind than its worse than or equal to 20/200 in both eyes. The second exam is called the slit lamp exam which is a type of microscope that is used to examine the front part of the eye,, that includes the eyelids, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, iris, anterior chamber, the lens, and part of the retina and optic nerve. The third exam is called dilated exam. Dilated exam is when drops are placed in the eyes to widen or dilate the pupil to enable your eye M.D. to examine the retina and optic nerve for signs of damage (“Diabetic Retinopathy
Techniques." Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 56.2 (2010): 98-102. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.
Ruckmann, Adrea von, Fitzke, Fredrick W., & Bird, Alan C., (1997). Fundus autofluorescence in age related macular disease imaged with a laser scanning opthalmoscope. Investigative Opthamology and Visual Science, 38 (2), 478-485.
By applying this, pixels with intensity greater than empirical value of 70 are converted to 1 (black) and others are assigned to 0 (white). Some parts of eyelashes satisfy (1), but have a much smaller area than the pupil area. We can remove all small regions other than pupil by applying code segment (2)
As seen in one study which aimed to report a series of consecutive cases for which a lotrafilcon A silicone hydrogel soft contact lens was used in therapeutic applications (Montero, 2003). The result of this study was “complete pain relief was reported for 78% of cases with 94% reporting pain relief of 50% or more. Corneal signs were restored to normal for 74% of cases with 100% showing at least partial improvement. No additional complications were reported in 83% of cases. Therapeutic contact lens application was judged fully successful for 71% of cases with 93% showing at least partial success.” (Montero,
Glaucoma can occur in any age patient, therefore yearly screenings is necessary for all ages (Understanding and Living with Glaucoma , 2012). Patients who are at a higher risk for glaucoma include patients of African and Asian decent, patients over the age of 60 years, patients who are very myopic, or nearsighted, and patients who excessively use steroids (Understanding and Living with Glaucoma , 2012). There are two types of screenings for glaucoma (Understanding and Living with Glaucoma , 2012). They are tonometry and ophthalmoscopy (Understanding and Living with Glaucoma , 2012). In order to measure the intraocular pressure, IOP, the health care provider will use tonometry (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2013). Eye drops are used to numb the eye so that a tonometer can be used to measure the inner pressure within the eyen (Understanding and Living with Glaucoma , 2012). The normal range for patients with normal eye pressure ranges from 10-21 mm Hg (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2013). Patients with open-angle glaucoma have a pressure of 22 mm Hg, and with closed-angle the pressure reading is 30 mm Hg or higher (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2013). During ophthalmoscopy, eye drops are also used, but to dilate the pupil (Understanding and Living with Glaucoma , 2012). The health care provider can then examine the optic nerve for damage due to glaucoma (Understanding and Living with
Over-corrections occur when excess corneal tissue is removed. This complication is difficult to correct as compared to the under-corrections.
Laser-Assisted In situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) is a surgical operation intended to allow an individual to live independent of glasses or contacts. Since 1995, when the Food and Drug Administration approved the type of laser used in corrective eye surgery, optometrists have developed a number of different procedures to clear up foggy or blurry vision in one's eye. In 1998, the Lasik surgery became the most common type of surgery, and remains the number one refractive eye surgery today. The surgery itself lasts no longer than 15 minutes per eye, and begins with the doctor placing a number of eye numbing drops into the patient's eyes to eliminate any possibilities of pain during the procedure. The first step in the procedure involves the cutting of a flap in the cornea by a computer programmed device called a microkeratome. By cutting the flap, the surgeon is able to use tiny tweezers-like instruments to unpeel the sliced flap. With the flap peeled back from the cornea the laser is used to remove small pieces of the inner part of the cornea, but the laser has only a specified wavelength which does not allow it to pass through the cornea to any other portion of the eye. The flap is then repositioned without stitches and is secure after seconds of drying ("Lasik Eye Surgery"). Doctors claim that the surgery is so popular because the patient's vision is restored rapidly and there is little to no post- surgery pain. But while the number of patients receiving the procedure rises, so do the number of complications and patient complaints. Patients whose vision was successfully restored cite that the success of the operation is dependent on the experience and skill of the surgeon, but many cases can be ...
Therefore it helps the physician to determine why the patient’s vision is blurred and whether the treatment should be started. The advantages of this method are that it provides pictures with high resolution and it does not need much cooperation from the patients to remain without movement since it is very fast however it has some limitations because in this method the light waves are used for examination; the test cannot be successful if any object interfere with the light passing like Cataract (clouding of the lens of the eye) or hemorrhage in the gel center of the
The patient is a 43 year-old female insurance sale agent who came to the clinic for annual eye examination. She complained from symptoms of ocular irritation and burning when she wakes up in the morning. She felt ocular dryness in the afternoon and the eyes look red. She has also noted different height of her eyelids when putting make-up on. She denied significant problems with driving, TV watching, computer use or reading. She also denied flashes, floaters or diplopia. The patient was myopia with no prior eye surgeries, previous history of eye trauma, amblyopia or strabismus. She did not use any medication. The past ocular family history was negative. Social history was negative, too.
After detect the center of pupil and the corneal reflection, the vector between them is used to determine the gaze direction as shown in Figure 1 56, This technique has ability to eliminate the optical reflective effect of accessories and glasses.[36]
Mayo Clinic Staff. “Dry Macular Degeneration.” Diseases and Conditions. 2014. Web. 30 October 2013. .