Tapeworm Essay

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The cestodes, or better known as tapeworms are a class of parasitic flatworms, classified under phylum platyhelminthes. There are three major species of tapeworms: taenia saginata (beef tapeworm), taenia solium (pork tapeworm) and diphyllobothriasis (fish tapeworm). All these species of tapeworms are acquired by humans in consumption of raw, undercooked or smoke contaminated meat or fish (John, 2006). Tapeworms are considered humanity’s largest intestinal inhabitant. They each have a scolex or head, that attaches to the intestinal wall. As long as the head remains attached to the intestinal mucosa, a new worm can grow from it. Tapeworms do not contain a digestive tract, so their nourishment comes from absorbing partially digested substances from the host. They are whitish in color, flat and ribbon like, with a covering that resembles a transparent skin like layer (Turkington,2007). It’s prevalent among underdeveloped countries where sanitation is poor and among people who regularly consume raw, unwashed or undercooked beef, pork or fish containing the cyst eggs of various tapeworms (John, 2006). But in the United States, laws governing feeding practices and inspection of domestic food animals have largely eliminated the problem of tapeworm, but an estimated 1,000 new cases are diagnosed in the United States each year (askville, 2013). There are two specific parasites that I will be discussing. One being the adult tapeworm that inhabits the small intestine and cysticercosis which is the most common parasitic disease of the central nervous system, also called neurocysticercosis.
Taeniasis in humans is a parasitic infection caused by the tapeworm species. People with taeniasis may not know they have a tapeworm infection because the...

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...ugh both forms of infection can potentially occur in the same individual at the same time, they are distinct disease entities and have different treatments and potential outcomes. World health organization estimates that almost 50 million people worldwide are infected by tapeworms and of these 50,000 die due to the disease every year (ncbi, 2004). The control and prevention of cysticercosis depends on preventing fecal oral transmission of eggs from person infected with taeniasis. Identification and treatment of tapeworm carriers an important public health measure that can prevent further cases. Treatments includes drug therapy as well as surgical removal of the cysts. For preventative measures, it is important to never eat raw or undercooked pork. And, when traveling to areas with poor sanitation, people need to be careful to avoid foods that might be contaminated.

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