Taking a Closer Look at Ethiopia

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Ethiopia is located in the horn of Africa and there are living over 75 million people. It’s one of the populous countries in sub-Sahara Africa. Most of the people, over 85% are living in countryside. Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries in the world. Ethiopia has lots of poverty, estimated 47% of people are living under the poverty line. Poor nutrition, low education levels, widespread poverty and difficulties to get health care services are caused, that the life expectancy is 54 years. The primary health care problem in Ethiopia is Malaria. It is causing most of the out-patient visits and many peoples deaths. Ethiopia is also having a big problem with HIV/AIDS. 2005 was reported, that 3,5% of the population in age group 15-49 is hav-ing HIV/AIDS. 80% of Ethiopia’s health problems should be preventable. Nutritional and communicable diseases are causing most of the Ethiopians health problems. These problems are connected in low socio-economic development. (Center for Na-tional Health Development in Ethiopia 2013a.) 2.1 Public health The government is providing Ethiopia’s public health care. Ethiopia’s ministry of health vision is to have healthy, productive, and effective citizen. And their mission is provide integrated, quick and satisfactory health service with efficient management, controlling mechanism and support. (Ministry of Health 2011a.) There are 138 hospitals, 635 health centers, 5955 health post and 1206 health sta-tions owned by the government. Health care services are available around the coun-try, but there are still differences in distribution and coverage between rural and ur-ban areas. (Center for National Health Development in Ethiopia 2013b.) There are four-tier health services system, which i... ... middle of paper ... ...s. Comparison of these three countries there is no big differences between Finland and UK, but huge differences to compare these two countries to Ethiopia. Big differences are made by countries development level and economic situation. In Finland we have great health care system. It is equal to every citizen and its services are high level. Health care centers, health care stations and hospitals are near and easy to reach. Some of the health care services are free, for example nurses practices in health care station and laboratory and x-ray services. Health care payments are pretty low, one doctor’s visit cost 13,80 euros for patient. That payment only charged three times for year, rest of visits are free. I think most of the Finns are happy to pay taxes for government, who produce high level heath care for the citizens. (Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö 2011b.)

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