Taking Tests: Myths and Facts

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When it comes to preparing for and taking tests there are many myths. There are also many different ways to prepare yourself for success. During the course of this paper we will discuss the myths of studying for a test, time management, how to reduce test anxiety, and the different types of tests and tips on how to take them.

When it comes to taking tests we often hear myths about studying. Some of these myths include; you can not study for a standardized test, everyone knows how to study, and cramming is a good way to study for a test. All of these are false hints and the reason that they are myths. (Rozakis 2003). First lets talk about studying for standardized tests. Everyone can study for them just by using your old tests and trying to improve on your mistakes. Take an essay test or a multiple choice test for example. You can use the old tests to study and it will help with the amount of time you have to study. Another one of our myths that we believe to be true is that everyone knows how to study. Not true, most of us don't sit around and think about how we should study for a test. Some of us can study and then we will forget everything that we read or learned when it comes time to take the test. Our final myth for the day is, cramming is a good way to study. Most of us try to cram for a test because we put off studying for it till the last second and hope by cramming that we will better retain the information. This is completely WRONG! Cramming is one of the worst ways for any student to study. When we cram for a test the night before or even the hour before we are overloading our brains, causing us to forget some of the information we already know and hurting ourselves in the long run.

Time management is one...

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... are looking for.

When it comes to True/False tests (Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation 2009) gives us great tips that will change the way you look at these tests. One of the biggest things that most of us don't know is that within the question are words such as; always, never, every, all, and none that will usually make the statement false. Words like usually, often, sometimes, most, and many usually make the statement true. So when you are taking a True/False test be sure to read your question very carefully because one word could result in the statement being true or false.

When it comes to preparing for and taking tests we must avoid the myths and manage our time wisely. By doing so we can avoid test anxiety. Students we must make sure that we use all of our tools and resources available to make our learning experience a enjoyable one.

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