Tablets vs Textbooks

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In today’s world, technology has become a big part of everyone’s lives. Technology is becoming faster and better every day. Technology is able to help us in transportation, communication, information, learning, etc. Now technology is starting to be incorporated in school education. Through examining price, capacity vs. weight, and information/skills taught, it is evident that tablets are slowly becoming superior to textbooks. Money is an important part of everyday life. If there is any way that money could be saved then that is more than likely the choice. The price for a tablet has been “continually falling,”(The Art Institute of Pittsburgh). If the price for a tablet becomes cheaper, then there is even more possibility of schools tapping into this industry to educate their students. Print textbooks can be somewhat expensive. The money used on print textbooks can be spent on e-books which cost less than the print version (The Art Institute of Pittsburgh). According to CBSNEWS, “Discovery’s lessons – branded ‘Techbooks’ that run on laptops, desktops, iPads or other tablets...

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