Systems Theory of Industrial Relations

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SYSTEMS THEORY OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Introduction Industrial Relations is a multidisciplinary field dealing with the study of employment relationship in union and non-union organizations. There have been various theories of industrial relations in place, but the first and most influential theory was put forward by John Thomas Dunlop. Dunlop, as a labor economist, remodelled the work of sociologists and developed a framework of industrial relations system. He developed the System’s Theory which stressed on the interrelationship of institutions and behaviors that enables one to understand and explain industrial relation rules. Definition According to John Dunlop -“An industrial relation system at any one time in its development is regarded as comprised of certain actors, certain contexts, an ideology which binds the industrial relation system together and a body of rules created to govern the actors at the work place and work community.” The concept of industrial relations for Dunlop in many ways similar to that of an economic system. In an economic system, prices are the central problem and is explained in terms of demand and supply; in industrial system, rules of workplace is the central problem for Dunlop in industrial relations. According to Dunlop, the system consists of three main actors and their organisation, the context or setting in which they interact, the common ideology held by the actors binding them together and a body of rules that govern the actors. The three main actors of Dunlop’s System Theory constitute: employers, labor unions, and government. The interaction and relationship between these actors create the set of rules of the workplace that administers the actors in the workplace. These actors cannot act ind... ... middle of paper ... ...tems Theory of Industrial Relations have played an important role not only in understanding but also in maintain better industrial relations today which can be related easily in today’s market. Works Cited Suffield, L., & Templer A. (2012). Labour Relations, PH Series in Human Resources Management, 3rd Edition Thomas, P.,(1959, December 19), Towards a General Theory of Industrial Relations, The Economic Weekly, p1729 Maimona, M., (2013), Sears Canada cuts 245 jobs, outsourcing IT positions to India and the Philippines, Retrieved August 20, 2009, from Ingram, D., (n.d), The Relationship between Systems Theory & Employee Relations, from Dunlop, J. D., (1958), Industrial Relations Systems, p. 84.

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