Synthesis Of Esomeprazole Magnesium

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Nexium is a delayed-released capsule that is composed of S-5-methoxy-2-[(4-methoxy 3, 5-dimethylpyridin-2-yl) methylsulfinyl]-3H-benzoimidazole.7 The chemical formula for esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate is (C17H18N3O3S) 2Mg. 3H2O. The three water molecules show that esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate is slightly soluble in water.7 Esomeprazole salt is the S-enantiomer of omeprazole which contains both S and R-isomers.7 The S-isomer is active as it is attached to four different compounds meanwhile the R-isomer is inactive. The chiral center of the S-isomer is the sulfur which is located in the middle of the compound bonded to two carbon atoms on either side of the sulfur. The sulfur also has a double bonded oxygen atom, and two lone pairs of electrons indicating that it has a tetrahedral bond angle hence chirality.11
Figure 2: The structure of esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate

The synthesis of esomeprazole magnesium is divided into two sections; section I and II. Section I demonstrates the synthesis of omeprazole which is the S enantiomer of esomeprazole. It starts with 2,3,5 Trimethyl pyridine (1) which is oxidized by hydrogen peroxide in acetic acid to give the n-oxide (2). This is then nitrated with a mixture of sulfuric acid and nitric acid to give the 4-nitro derivative (3). The nitro group in compound (3) is then displaced by hydroxymethylation in a nucleophilic substitution reaction to yield compound (4). This is then treated with acetic acid anhydride in a redox reaction to yield the ester derivative (5). Compound 5 is then treated with a base to form the corresponding alcohol (6). The hydroxyl group of compound 6 is then displaced in a substitution reaction with a chloride using thionyl chloride to give 2-chloromethy...

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...d 8 in Section I of the Synthesis Reaction

The functional groups that where identified by the proton NMR in this compound are methoxy, sulfoxide, as well as an amine functional group. The methoxy group will shift between 3.5to 4.0 ppm in the ‘H NMR. A sulfoxide group will not show in the ‘H NMR because it has no hydrogens attached to it. An amine group will indicate between 8.0-9.0ppm in the ‘HNMR meaning it is more downfield based on the groups around it.8 The peaks were applied based on the rule n+1, where n is the number of neighboring hydrogens. Methoxy is a singlet because when looking at the structure of esomeprazole magnesium, you notice that there is no neighboring hydrogen therefore showing that 0+1= 1. The parts labelled B and C are the sulfoxide and amine groups which are both doublets because they have neighboring hydrogens which averages two as 1+1=2.

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