Synthesis Essay On Technology In Schools

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Technology’s integration into school curriculums around the country has been a highly controversial topic for quite some time. For years now, people have been debating whether or not technology should be allowed into the public school system. While some say they should be outright banned, or at the very least controlled, others claim that there is no harm to allowing technology into the schools; these people actually encourage technology being utilized by the school systems. While all of these people have the right to their own opinions, facts and evidence suggests that technology being allowed into the schools is more beneficial than it is harmful, given that the students are properly supervised, of course. With the changing of the age, children have the entire internet at their fingertips. Through that, the kids have access to all of the information stored on servers across the country. Given that they have access to all this information with the click of a mouse, research papers and projects have never been easier. The ease of access allows them to accomplish in a few hours, what would have taken a few days so many years ago. Many school officials have said that integrating technology into the lessons has been like “frosting on the cake” (Source A), and many schools have …show more content…

The use of technology has allowed students to communicate with each other, in an easier, more reliable way. “Pioneering teachers are getting their classes to post assignments online so other students can easily read and critique them,” (Source B). By allowing this type of communication, the quality of work has been able to increase exponentially. This also allows students who are having trouble in a particular subject to get help from another student who excels in that same subject, thus helping those students learn quicker and more

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