Symbols in After Apple Picking by Robert Forst

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Did I do a good enough job? Did I live a purposeful life? These are question one might ask themselves when they feel the end of their life might be near. In “After Apple Picking”, Robert Frost uses the symbols of a ladder, apples, and sleep to transform the simple job of apple picking into a poem about the end of a man’s life drawing to a close and its worth.
From the beginning of the poem, Frost eludes to a more significant meaning when he says the ladder is poking up “through a tree / Toward heaven…” (1-2). The apple picker’s ladder is a symbol for Jacob’s ladder as described in the Bible. Jacob’s ladder was a ladder that sat upon the earth and stretched all the way to Heaven and allowed God’s Angels to travel back and forth. Since God was at the top of Jacob’s ladder, the ladder in the orchard symbolizes the apple picker’s path that will take him to God (Genesis 28:10-19) Although the speaker probably used this ladder daily to climb into the trees to pick apples, Frost makes the ladder a symbol for the speaker’s path to Heaven. In lines 21-23 Frost again references the ladder and the ache it leaves in the apple picker’s instep (21). Anyone who has stood on a ladder for any length of time knows the pain standing on its rungs can bring to the feet. Repeatedly climbing that ladder and the ache it causes the apple picker’s feet is another way Frost uses the orchard ladder as a symbol for a path to Heaven.
Frost mentions sleep six different times during the poem “After Apple-Picking”, but he is not always speaking strictly of sleep. Winter has long been a season symbolically associated with the end of a person’s life. With the line “Essence of winter sleep is on the night” Frost uses the combination of winter and sleep t...

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...created a poem that, at a glance, is simply about a man being tired of picking apple after apple during his life. However, further examination shows that “After Apple-Picking is so much more than that. By analyzing symbols in the poem like the ladder, sleep, and the apples, the reader can see that it’s a poem about a man having worked hard during his life to achieve his goals, looking back at his accomplishments, and wondering if it was all enough to bring him peace and happiness once he falls into his eternal sleep of death.

Works Cited

Frost, Robert. "After Apple-Picking." Perrine's Literature: Structure Sound & Sense. 11th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth, 2010. 720-21. Print.
Genesis. A Searchable Online Bible in over 100 Versions and 50 Languages. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.
"The Woodchuck." The Woodchuck. Pennsylvania State University. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

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