Symbolism in A Worn Path by Eudora Welty

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Symbolism is commonly used to provide imagery and detail to an object. It gives the reader a deeper understanding of what is going on. In football, animals, colors, and flag are used as symbols. For instance, animals and colors are used to show where the team is from and what their mascot is. Flags are used to give penalties to either team, and when a flag is thrown on the field, the crowd automatically knows that there has been a penalty. Colors in football usually go along with where the team is from. For example, when you see a grey and navy blue football team on your t.v, you know it’s the Dallas Cowboys. Other then football, colors can also symbolize motion. This can be seen when you are approaching a stop light; green means go, red means stop and yellow means slow down. Also the four seasons can symbolize different phases in our lives. Using symbolism in a story can better express what the author is trying to say. In ‘A Worn Path’, a manifold of symbols are used throughout.

In the story, Phoenix, an elderly woman with very little sight travels a path with various obstacles along the way. While on her journey she faces bumps along the road, including a white hunter, hallucinations, a scare crow, trees, and even a thorn bush. She is on her way to Natchez, a small town in Mississippi, to pick up medicine for her young grandson who swallowed lye when he was a child and needs medication to help his throat from pain. She arrives to the town of Natchez where she eyes a windmill in the window of a store. Once she’s arrived to the clinic and picks up the medication, a attendant gives her some change which she uses to buy her grandson the windmill for Christmas. After that, she is on her way on the same path, in which she wi...

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“A Worn Path” itself is a symbol of surroundings. Phoenix’s surroundings throughout the story is a worn path. A worn path is a path with many struggles, but has been traveled many times before.

Eudora Welty did an excellent job using symbolism in “A Worn Path”. The use of symbolism in this short story greatly added detail for better understanding of the story.

Works Cited

123 help me Editors. “Symbolism in ‘a worn path’” 123help me .n.p. web. Mar


Word process editors. “An Analysis of Eudora Welty’s ‘a worn path’. Word press

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Writing Rock editors. “’a worn path’ analysis research paper.” Writing rock. .n.p

N.d. web. 17 mar 2014

Cummings Michaels. “A worn path, study guide.” Cumming study guide. N.p,

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