Symbolism In The Primavera

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Botticelli’s great work of art the Primavera, also known as Allegory of Spring, painted ca. 1482, depicts different mythical characters, and is generally regarded as an allegorical depiction of spring. However, its symbolism and content have been subject to much controversy, and the painting is still interpreted differently by scholars to this day. Going through the different ways it has been interpreted, it is impossible to formulate a clear consensus. Its unclear origins make varying analyses and interpretations possible. However, it is clear that most scholars believe that the painting is drawn from literary inspirations.
Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi, known as Sandro Botticelli, was an Italian Renaissance artist born in Florence in 1445 (Gebhart 9). One of his most famous and controversial paintings is the Primavera, although it wasn’t always that way. Vasari, one of his contemporaries, simply described the painting as “Venus with the Graces who cover her with flowers, representing Spring” (Gebhart
The Primavera can be viewed as a depiction of Neoplatonism as Marsilio Ficino was “the spiritual mentor of Botticelli 's patron at the time the 'Primavera ' was painted”, and they discussed the Neoplatonic conception of the classical Gods in their correspondences (Gombrich 7). To Botticelli’s patron, who is most likely a member of the Medici family- and probably Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco- Venus would have represented Humanitas, embracing Love and Charity, Dignity and Magnanimity, Liberality and Magnificence, Comeliness and Modesty, Charm and Splendour. Thus, to Lorenzo, Venus did not represent ust (Gombrich 17). Given the popular Neoplatonism of the Italian Renaissance, and the speculation that the painting was commissioned by Lorenzo, it is therefore highly likely that Botticelli represented Neoplatonic love in his

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